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We are usually involved in multiple TNR projects at any one time. Many of them are "low profile" - there is local opposition and we try to stay under the radar, doing cats in ones or twos.

These projects are more public:

Nanakuma TNR
Hakata Station Chikushi Gate
Nishi-ku Site 1
Itoshima: Koganemaru Nishi Green Hills
Genkai: Moroura TNR
Ijiri 2 chome TNR
Ijiri 3 chome TNR
Tashima TNR
Tomooka TNR
Tomooka 2 chome TNR
Chayama TNR [mostly 4 chome]
Chayama TNR Project 2 [mostly 6 chome]
Tani 1 chome TNR
Terazuka TNR
Motooka / Kyudai Ito Campus Area TNR
Takamiya 2 chome TNR
Daimyo 1 chome TNR

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