Poe   [Id:1197-139, NPO Catnip, Fukuoka ]
Stray animal, found injured.
Came to CATNIP:2022/06/28
On Website Since:2022/07/07
Age: approx. 3 years, 2 months ~ 6 years, 2 months as of today.
About ...
Cat bleeding from mouth and in poor condition. Trapped in Kitakyushu using CATNIP trap. FeLV+. Kitakyushu vet said cat was likely to die but refused to euthanise.

Cat brought to CATNIP.

The cat's condition was poor, but immediate euthanasia on welfare grounds was not felt to be necessary.

Blood was taken for a confirmatory FeLV test at a lab using a different testing methodology (PCR). [CATNIP's policy is to euthanise if FeLV is confirmed.] This test came back negative in early July.

Cat isolated for a month and retested August 4th with a standard SNAP test. This too was negative, so treating cat as rehomable. Cat has appointment on 18th August for dental work and spaying. Cat is still in strict isolation. It is eating, drinking and pooing and does not appear to be in distress.

Cat was spayed, microchipped and had most teeth removed. An additional FeLV test was done and came back negative. Cat recuperating. Eating well.

Cat moved to large 3 tier cage to begin to socialise. Her tongue sometimes protrudes from her mouth, which is often a sign of pain - but she eats well and without difficulty.
Feeding a cat at our shelter costs about ¥2000 / month. Can you help? [About online fostering]
Click here to see 11 good reasons to adopt a cat from CATNIP!
1: Convenience
We will bring up to 3 cats to you in your home at a time convenient to you, including weekends, public holidays and evenings.

This lets you see the cat or cats before you decide to start a trial.

You don't have to select any of them - and we will give you plenty of time to get to know them before any trial starts.

We think it is better for you - and better for the cat - that you meet it in your home rather than at a noisy, busy cat transfer event.
2: Long trial period
We have a 3 week trial period (2 weeks for kittens) that can be extended on request. That gives enough time to find out whether this cat is right for you.

If you already have a cat it gives you time to introduce the two cats properly and make sure they get along.

If there are problems - or you just feel that the cat is not suitable - we will remove it within 24 hours, often sooner.
3: We give you support
We don't just dump animal off on you then disappear. For a trial we will bring a cage, a cat toilet and cat food. We will give you support by email and Line for as long as the cat is with you, even after you adopt it.
4: We usually know the cat
In most cases, we know the cat and will share that information with you as openly as we can.

Some cats are highly socialised and will (probably) take just a day or two to settle in. Others will require several weeks or even months. We will always tell you what to expect. [Oddly, the cats you have to work hardest with are often the ones who will ultimately form the strongest bond with you.]
5: We rehome to families
We think pets should be part of a child's life - even young children, with appropriate adult supervision. [Not every animal is suitable for a family with young children and we will want to meet the whole family before placing a cat with you.]
6: We rehome to foreigners
CATNIP's founding director is British. We are happy to rehome to foreigners and to people who will take the cat with them when they leave Japan.
7: We do a lot of TNR
Almost all our cats came to us because they were unwanted, dumped on the streets or kittens rescued during TNR activities. You are giving them a second chance.
8: We don't ask for a guarantor
Unless you are very elderly, we do not ask for a guarantor. Ultimately we are the guarantor for the cats we rehome.
9: We are open and clear about money
We will always tell you the transfer fee for each cat (a maximum of 20,000yen for a vaccinated, spayed, microchipped, virus-tested cat ) and we always give receipts.

This is payable only if the trial goes well and you decide to keep the cat.

CATNIP is run by volunteers. No-one is paid. All income goes straight back into cat welfare.
10: We speak human, in several languages...
We don't just like animals, we [quite] like people too! We - emphatically - do not do moral or emotional blackmail or try to make you feel bad.

People who adopt from us tell us that they thought the process was smooth and easy.
11: The cat's the client
... and in practice that means we really want you to love him or her and for the placement to work for both of you. So if you are having difficulties with one of our animals, get in touch.