Poe   [Id:1197-139, NPO Catnip, Fukuoka ]
Stray animal, found injured.
Came to CATNIP:2022/06/28
On Website Since:2022/07/07
Age: approx. 3 years, 5 months ~ 6 years, 5 months as of today.
About ...
Cat bleeding from mouth and in poor condition. Trapped in Kitakyushu using CATNIP trap. FeLV+. Kitakyushu vet said cat was likely to die but refused to euthanise.

Cat brought to CATNIP.

The cat's condition was poor, but immediate euthanasia on welfare grounds was not felt to be necessary.

Blood was taken for a confirmatory FeLV test at a lab using a different testing methodology (PCR). [CATNIP's policy is to euthanise if FeLV is confirmed.] This test came back negative in early July.

Cat isolated for a month and retested August 4th with a standard SNAP test. This too was negative, so treating cat as rehomable. Cat has appointment on 18th August for dental work and spaying. Cat is still in strict isolation. It is eating, drinking and pooing and does not appear to be in distress.

Cat was spayed, microchipped and had most teeth removed. An additional FeLV test was done and came back negative. Cat recuperating. Eating well.

Cat moved to large 3 tier cage to begin to socialise. Her tongue sometimes protrudes from her mouth, which is often a sign of pain - but she eats well and without difficulty.
Feeding a cat at our shelter costs about ¥2000 / month. Can you help? [About online fostering]