Animals for Older People

We believe that older people can make excellent pet-owners - but that you may require additional support and monitoring.

Obviously we are concerned about what happens to the animal if you are sick and in hospital, or become incapacitated.

As a rough guide - we would consider rehoming a 5-year old cat to someone who was 65 years old, as the cat would be around 15 years old when the person was 75. If the person had younger family, willing to co-adopt the animal, we would take that into account too.

Each person's situation is different. So before rehoming to you we would want to work with you, and possibly your family if you have one, to make a "life plan" for the animal.

In some circumstances this may involve you making a financial commitment to the animal's long term welfare that would take effect it you became unable to look after it.

Below are some animals that we think are particularly suitable for older people.