Raisin   [Id:k1197-92, NPO Catnip, Fukuoka ]
Sex:Female [neutered]
Character:Will need time to adjust
Experience Level:Kept cat as child
Compatibility:Probably fine with other cats
Came to CATNIP:2021/05/23
On Website Since:2021/06/18
Status: FeLV  [ negative ]
FIV   [ negative ]
Age: approx. 4 years, 8 months as of today.
This cat is currently learning to be a housecat and will be available for rehoming shortly.
About ...
Raisin and her sister, Rum, were rescued from a park in the city. They were both young and pregnant.

The cat feeder said that the area was not safe for them. She fed them twice a day. They seemed socialised to her. We spayed them and assessed them for rehoming. We bloodtested - all well - and vaccinated.

We are currently socialising them into house cats. They are a bit unsure around men but are fine with other cats. They are nice girls - after a few months with us they will be fine.

[Because she was originally planned to be returned to the park, this cat has a clipped ear.]
Feeding a cat at our shelter costs about ¥2000 / month. Thank you to Raisin`s Online Fosterer! [About online fostering]
   Nicole2021-12-12toongoing¥1000 / month
   diocap2022-07-29toongoing¥1000 / month